LSD tablets with 1S-LSD high dosage – for real spiritual experiences
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High dosing LSD tablets: Your kit with 1S-LSD
From us you can buy 1S-LSD in tablet form as a high-dosage kit, which contains 5, 10, 20 or 40 LSD tablets with 225 µg 1S-LSD each . The LSD tablets have a break line in the middle and can therefore easily be halved. Usual research quantity: 1/2 or 1 tablet (=112.5/225mcg)
Safety notice:
Please note that high-dosing / macrodosing should only be used by experienced and advanced researchers. First-time users should never use high-dose research substances alone and without extensive preparation. A professional psychedelic retreat can provide a safe environment for first-time users.
From now on: Collection possible from order value 150 € in Cologne, Hamburg, Bremen & Munich.
Please send a message at least 24 hours in advance to: +4917656612865

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Buy LSD tablets and explore diverse effects
LSD tablets are not intended for human consumption. All experiences described are based on subjective reports and are not to be understood as instructions or recommendations.
If you are interested in researching psychedelics and possibly gaining deep insights and creative impulses, you can buy a suitable research object with our LSD tablets. We ensure that our LSD tablets meet the highest quality standards through extensive laboratory tests. It is important that these LSD tablets are suitable for high doses, i.e. that they can trigger a trip.
The following information is based on the results of numerous researchers worldwide who have gained insights into the possible effects of our LSD tablets. But one thing is clear: LSD tablets can have very different effects depending on individual factors. For this reason, the researchers' reports should be understood with caution, as aspects such as individual tolerance play an important role in research.

LSD tablets show varying effects
The reason for researching psychedelics is the possible, diverse effects on the body and psyche. So that you can assess whether our LSD tablets are suitable for your research, we would like to present you with possible effects that have been shown in some research reports. However, there is no guarantee here, as this is individual research and the results cannot be generalized. Nevertheless, the following subjective reports of experience may be a useful guide for your own research:
- Creative impulses: LSD tablets are hallucinogenic substances that can have a mind-altering effect. Some researchers report that their sensory perception has intensified. In rare cases, synesthesia has even occurred. This is the mixing of several senses. Some researchers report, for example, that they have heard colors. It is therefore possible that LSD tablets can provide creative impulses that can inspire and motivate art and music.
- Self-knowledge: Not only the senses can be stimulated by using LSD tablets, but also the world of feelings and thoughts. Some research reports state that emotions and needs were perceived more consciously and could also be expressed more openly. In addition, some researchers report having developed a strong, spiritual connection to nature.
- Social openness: In some cases, the increased self-knowledge could also enrich social contexts. Some researchers say that they were able to open up to their fellow human beings better and thus developed a deeper mutual understanding.
LSD tablets show varying effects
The reason for researching psychedelics is the possible, diverse effects on the body and psyche. So that you can assess whether our LSD tablets are suitable for your research, we would like to present you with possible effects that have been shown in some research reports. However, there is no guarantee here, as this is individual research and the results cannot be generalized. Nevertheless, the following subjective reports of experience may be a useful guide for your own research:
- Creative impulses: LSD tablets are hallucinogenic substances that can have a mind-altering effect. Some researchers report that their sensory perception has intensified. In rare cases, synesthesia has even occurred. This is the mixing of several senses. Some researchers report, for example, that they have heard colors. It is therefore possible that LSD tablets can provide creative impulses that can inspire and motivate art and music.
- Self-knowledge: Not only the senses can be stimulated by using LSD tablets, but also the world of feelings and thoughts. Some research reports state that emotions and needs were perceived more consciously and could also be expressed more openly. In addition, some researchers report having developed a strong, spiritual connection to nature.
- Social openness: In some cases, the increased self-knowledge could also enrich social contexts. Some researchers say that they were able to open up to their fellow human beings better and thus developed a deeper mutual understanding.

Possible side effects of LSD tablets
We want to provide you with transparent information about LSD tablets, which is why it is important that we also mention possible side effects. Many researchers emphasize that it is advisable to test a small amount of the research object first. Many researchers prefer this approach in order to get to know their tolerance limits. Nevertheless, some reports show side effects, which we would like to show you below. But even with these, they vary and can be very individual. Researchers nevertheless state that they have initially suspended research when the following signals were received:
- Subfebrile body temperatures: LSD in tablets strongly stimulates the nervous system of the human body. This may be the reason why some researchers report subfebrile body temperatures. This is when the body has an elevated temperature between 37.6 and 38 °C.
- Dizziness and dizziness: Some researchers have also experienced dizziness and dizziness while researching LSD tablets. In many reports, researchers have taken it easy when these symptoms occurred or have consulted a medical professional if the side effects persisted.
Possible side effects of LSD tablets
We want to provide you with transparent information about LSD tablets, which is why it is important that we also mention possible side effects. Many researchers emphasize that it is advisable to test a small amount of the research object first. Many researchers prefer this approach in order to get to know their tolerance limits. Nevertheless, some reports show side effects, which we would like to show you below. But even with these, they vary and can be very individual. Researchers nevertheless state that they have initially suspended research when the following signals were received:
- Subfebrile body temperatures: LSD in tablets strongly stimulates the nervous system of the human body. This may be the reason why some researchers report subfebrile body temperatures. This is when the body has an elevated temperature between 37.6 and 38 °C.
- Dizziness and dizziness: Some researchers have also experienced dizziness and dizziness while researching LSD tablets. In many reports, researchers have taken it easy when these symptoms occurred or have consulted a medical professional if the side effects persisted.

This LSD is in our tablets
The LSD in our tablets is 1S-LSD, which is a derivative of the conventional substance. This means that although the chemical structure has been changed, the effect of our LSD tablets is almost identical to the previous substance.
The big advantage is that this derivative is legal due to its modified structure, as it is not subject to the New Psychoactive Substances Act (NPSG) and the Narcotics Act (BtMG) does not apply. This means you can research with our LSD tablets and be on the safe side legally.
This LSD is in our tablets
The LSD in our tablets is 1S-LSD, which is a derivative of the conventional substance. This means that although the chemical structure has been changed, the effect of our LSD tablets is almost identical to the previous substance.
The big advantage is that this derivative is legal due to its modified structure, as it is not subject to the New Psychoactive Substances Act (NPSG) and the Narcotics Act (BtMG) does not apply. This means you can research with our LSD tablets and be on the safe side legally.

Research with LSD tablets
If you decide to buy our LSD tablets, you are choosing a preparation with the potential for high-dosage. However, it is all the more important to know how research on LSD in tablets should be carried out. For this reason, we would like to show you below what information can be found in the reports of some researchers who have worked with our LSD tablets. This information can also be suitable as a basis for your research.

LSD tablets with practical application
Our LSD tablets have a dosage of 225 mcg per tablet. This is a high research quantity, so many reports emphasize that this preparation should only be used by experienced researchers. For them, our LSD tablets offer an excellent dosage that can ensure intensive but variable research results.
It is administered naturally using an LSD tablet. If you have no experience in researching psychedelics, some researchers emphasize that our1S-LSD Microdosing Kit can be a suitable alternative. It contains only minimal research quantities that can be easily divided up and thus researched in a more controlled manner.
LSD tablets with practical application
Our LSD tablets have a dosage of 225 mcg per tablet. This is a high research quantity, so many reports emphasize that this preparation should only be used by experienced researchers. For them, our LSD tablets offer an excellent dosage that can ensure intensive but variable research results.
It is administered naturally using an LSD tablet. If you have no experience in researching psychedelics, some researchers emphasize that our1S-LSD Microdosing Kit can be a suitable alternative. It contains only minimal research quantities that can be easily divided up and thus researched in a more controlled manner.

Creating the right setting for LSD tablets
Many researchers emphasize that the setting and mindset have a significant influence on the research of LSD tablets. To give you an insight into how many researchers have worked with LSD tablets to achieve positive results, we would like to show you some tips below. These cannot, of course, be generalized, as research with LSD tablets always depends on individual factors, but they can still provide a suitable basis for your own research:
- A positive mindset: According to many reports, it has proven to be crucial to approach research into LSD tablets with the right attitude. Many researchers report having developed a positive attitude and a fundamental openness to new experiences beforehand. They emphasize that concentrating on the positive aspects of research has also led to better results and experiences.
- The right setting: In contrast to the minimum, setting does not refer to your inner but rather your outer setup. When researching our LSD tablets, many researchers made sure to conduct their tests in a friendly environment that radiates relaxation and encouragement.
- Accompanying persons: Researchers recommend that research into LSD tablets for high doses should only be carried out under the supervision of trained experts. They can provide professional support during your experience and intervene if side effects occur. This way, you can feel safe and concentrate fully on your research. But trusted people can also have a beneficial influence. Researchers report positively on emotional security and the opportunity to share experiences.
Creating the right setting for LSD tablets
Many researchers emphasize that the setting and mindset have a significant influence on the research of LSD tablets. To give you an insight into how many researchers have worked with LSD tablets to achieve positive results, we would like to show you some tips below. These cannot, of course, be generalized, as research with LSD tablets always depends on individual factors, but they can still provide a suitable basis for your own research:
- A positive mindset: According to many reports, it has proven to be crucial to approach research into LSD tablets with the right attitude. Many researchers report having developed a positive attitude and a fundamental openness to new experiences beforehand. They emphasize that concentrating on the positive aspects of research has also led to better results and experiences.
- The right setting: In contrast to the minimum, setting does not refer to your inner but rather your outer setup. When researching our LSD tablets, many researchers made sure to conduct their tests in a friendly environment that radiates relaxation and encouragement.
- Accompanying persons: Researchers recommend that research into LSD tablets for high doses should only be carried out under the supervision of trained experts. They can provide professional support during your experience and intervene if side effects occur. This way, you can feel safe and concentrate fully on your research. But trusted people can also have a beneficial influence. Researchers report positively on emotional security and the opportunity to share experiences.

The alternative: LSD tablets for microdosing
We have already mentioned that you can also buy LSD tablets from us in small portions. We are talking about our1S-LSD Microdosing Kit . This preparation can be an alternative for you if you want to gain your first experience in researching psychedelic substances. The active ingredient is the same, but in a minimal portion.
For this reason, the type of research used in our different LSD tablets should not be confused with one another. While our high-dose LSD tablets are designed for intensive research, the low LSD content in the alternative tablets ensures subtle effects, according to researchers. These can also vary, but also ensure that research can be more easily combined with everyday life due to the lower intensity.
The alternative: LSD tablets for microdosing
We have already mentioned that you can also buy LSD tablets from us in small portions. We are talking about our1S-LSD Microdosing Kit . This preparation can be an alternative for you if you want to gain your first experience in researching psychedelic substances. The active ingredient is the same, but in a minimal portion.
For this reason, the type of research used in our different LSD tablets should not be confused with one another. While our high-dose LSD tablets are designed for intensive research, the low LSD content in the alternative tablets ensures subtle effects, according to researchers. These can also vary, but also ensure that research can be more easily combined with everyday life due to the lower intensity.

Buy LSD tablets safely and legally
Our LSD tablets allow you to explore the substance legally. So if you are interested in the numerous effects that, according to some researchers, can include new experiences of yourself and the world, our preparations are made for you. As a reputable and transparent partner in the field of legal psychedelics, you can enjoy even more advantages with us.
This means you can only buy LSD tablets of the best quality from us. All of our research items are extensively tested in the laboratory beforehand. Furthermore, you can buy the LSD tablets for your research anonymously and conveniently online from us. What are you waiting for? Start your research today!