Fly Agaric Microdosing Capsules – Natural Power for Body and Mind

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Piece: 30


Microdosing Journal (incl. 240 page journal): Ohne Microdosing Journal

Microdosing Journal (incl. 240 page journal)

2-3 business days

  • 30 vegan capsules with 100% natural ground Amanita Muscaria mushroom caps

Users report on Amanita Muscaria in small quantities:

  • Focus and motivation boost
  • Increased well-being and improved mood
  • More self-confidence
  • Inner relaxation & calming
  • Improved, restful sleep

Botanical incense capsule: This product have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


The fly agaric , also called Amanita muscaria (lat.), is now available as microdosing in powder capsules !

Are you looking for a natural remedy for more energy , improved mood and more focus and concentration in everyday life? Then fly agaric microdosing capsules could be just the thing for you! At MODERNmind you can buy high-quality Amanita Muscaria microdosing , and our vegan capsules make it particularly easy for you to find the perfect dose for you.

Package contents: 30 capsules each 0.5 g

  • 100% ground Amanita Muscaria mushroom caps without additives
The usual research amount is between 1 and 2 capsules. The usual research time is between 4 and 5 hours.
A microdosing kit (30 capsules) lasts between 1 and 2 months.
Application values from experienced users are available in the member area.
The password for the member area is included in the order as a card.
Read on to learn more about the effects of fly agaric.
For legal reasons, we would like to point out that this product is not intended for human consumption.

From now on: Pick up from 150€ order value in Cologne, Hamburg, Bremen & Stuttgart possible.

Please send a message at least 24 hours in advance to: +4917656612865

Fly agaric microdosing capsules:
Natural power for body and mind

The fly agaric, also known as Amanita Muscaria, has always fascinated people with its striking appearance and mystical reputation. This striking mushroom has long been used in various cultures for medicinal and shamanic purposes. The mushroom can be recognized by its characteristic red cap with many white spots, and has a firm place in art and culture. The Siberian tribes were among the first people to use the mushroom for medicinal and shamanic practices, using it as a painkiller, anti-inflammatory and to induce visions. The use of the mushroom spread to the indigenous tribes of North America and Ancient Greece, where it was used for healing rituals and pain relief. Today, fly agaric microdosing is becoming increasingly popular as a gentle method of experiencing the positive properties of this fascinating plant. You can buy fly agaric in the MODERNmind online store: legally, easily and safely.

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We place the highest demands on the quality of our products and check every batch before it reaches you. This enables us to guarantee outstanding purity.

The following information is intended for educational purposes

Described information, effects, application possibilities and legal information are to be checked on your own responsibility and are not necessarily to be associated with the fly agaric microdosing of MODERNmind.

Buy fly agaric powder at MODERNmind

If you want to buy fly agaric in our online shop, you will be purchasing a product in capsule form. Our product is designed so that you can buy it as fly agaric for microdosing. For this reason, the concentration of the active ingredient muscimol is kept low. This way, you can enjoy the subtle effects but avoid getting intoxicated. Below we would like to present you with the most important information in a practical overview:

Our fly agaric capsules

Contents: 30 vegan fly agaric capsules
Active ingredient: All fly agaric capsules contain 0.5g
Recommended dosage: 1 to 2 fly agaric capsules
Possible effects: Increased motivation, better focus, increased well-being, more self-confidence, inner relaxation and more restful sleep.

If you follow the recommended dosage, you only need to buy fly agaric once in our online shop and you'll be supplied for a good month. Another advantage is that the active ingredient is contained in practical fly agaric capsules. These make targeted dosing much easier, which is why we can particularly recommend this product if you're just getting started on the subject.

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Fly agaric Microdosing: A remedy with a long tradition

Even in traditional medicine, our ancestors used fly agaric microdosing to experience the beneficial properties without the full psychedelic effect of fly agaric. Microdosing involves using small amounts of a psychoactive substance to achieve a therapeutic effect. Fly agaric in particular has always been prized for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also believed to have antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boosting properties that can be used to treat infections and strengthen the body's defenses. In essence, the historical use of fly agaric in traditional medicine reflects our ancestors' deep understanding of its many medicinal benefits through fly agaric microdosing.

Fly agaric Microdosing: A remedy with a long tradition

Even in traditional medicine, our ancestors used fly agaric microdosing to experience the beneficial properties without the full psychedelic effect of fly agaric. Microdosing involves using small amounts of a psychoactive substance to achieve a therapeutic effect. Fly agaric in particular has always been prized for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also believed to have antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boosting properties that can be used to treat infections and strengthen the body's defenses. In essence, the historical use of fly agaric in traditional medicine reflects our ancestors' deep understanding of its many medicinal benefits through fly agaric microdosing.

Fliegenpilz kaufen im Shop
Psychedelic Fliegenpilz kaufen

Buy fly agaric – a remedy with a long tradition

The widespread mushroom species has been used in small doses in traditional medicine since time immemorial. The mushroom was known, for example, among Siberian tribes and in ancient Greece. There, the plant was valued primarily for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, there are the antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boosting properties, which can be used to treat infections and strengthen the body's own defenses.

Today you can buy fly agarics online from us without any hassle and no longer have to harvest them in deep forests, but it is still important to know what effects you can expect. The psychedelic community does not usually decide to buy fly agarics to benefit from their antibacterial or anti-inflammatory properties. Instead, the focus is on researching the effects that can enrich everyday life in our modern world.

Buy fly agaric – a remedy with a long tradition

The widespread mushroom species has been used in small doses in traditional medicine since time immemorial. The mushroom was known, for example, among Siberian tribes and in ancient Greece. There, the plant was valued primarily for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, there are the antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boosting properties, which can be used to treat infections and strengthen the body's own defenses.

Today you can buy fly agarics online from us without any hassle and no longer have to harvest them in deep forests, but it is still important to know what effects you can expect. The psychedelic community does not usually decide to buy fly agarics to benefit from their antibacterial or anti-inflammatory properties. Instead, the focus is on researching the effects that can enrich everyday life in our modern world.

Psychedelic Fliegenpilz kaufen

These effects await you after buying the fly agaric

The main active ingredient responsible for the diverse effects is the alkaloid mucimol. In small doses, it is characterized by a large number of different effects that can have a positive effect on the consumer. Below you will find the most important effects that you can secure by buying fly agaric.

  • Calming and relaxing: Muscimol acts on the central nervous system by docking onto the GABA-A receptors. This has a calming and inhibitory effect in the brain, which can lead to a reduction in neuronal activity. This can therefore provide calming and relaxation, especially in situations where panic or stress is felt.
  • Increased creativity: Many users report increased creativity, which can benefit playing music, painting or writing. The hallucinogenic effects of muscinol can stimulate the brain and make it easier for you to get into a creative flow.
  • Increased focus: At the same time, a small dosage can also increase focus. In this way, you can also buy fly agaric if you are looking for a means to increase your concentration and productivity at work or private projects.
  • Improved mood: In general, many consumers also decide to buy fly agaric to increase their well-being. By taking a small and careful dosage, it is possible to brighten the mood and thus experience more satisfaction in everyday life.
MODERNmind Fliegenpilz kaufen

Buy fly agarics without worrying about poisoning

It is a common belief that the well-known mushroom species is poisonous. There is actually some truth to this assumption: fresh specimens contain up to one percent ibotenic acid, among other things. It is precisely this substance that makes the fly agaric poisonous in the first place.

The good news: You don't have to worry about the poison with us. In our online shop you can only buy dried fly agarics. When the mushroom is dried, the ibotenic acid it contains is converted into muscimol, which is what makes our fly agaric capsules so effective. However, the recommended dosage should always be adhered to, if only to be able to control the effect of the muscimol.

Buy fly agarics without worrying about poisoning

It is a common belief that the well-known mushroom species is poisonous. There is actually some truth to this assumption: fresh specimens contain up to one percent ibotenic acid, among other things. It is precisely this substance that makes the fly agaric poisonous in the first place.

The good news: You don't have to worry about the poison with us. In our online shop you can only buy dried fly agarics. When the mushroom is dried, the ibotenic acid it contains is converted into muscimol, which is what makes our fly agaric capsules so effective. However, the recommended dosage should always be adhered to, if only to be able to control the effect of the muscimol.

MODERNmind Fliegenpilz kaufen

Tipps, um Fliegenpilz nach dem Kauf einzunehmen

Wenn du jetzt Interesse daran hast, Fliegenpilz zu kaufen und die potente Wirkung selbst zu erforschen, möchten wir dich dabei mit wichtigen Hinweisen unterstützen. Dabei ist es vor allem wichtig, die Fliegenpilz Kapseln nicht überzudosieren. Dennoch muss die Konzentration hoch genug sein, um in den Genuss der subtilen Wirkung des Muscimols zu kommen.

Die optimale Dosierung von Fliegenpilz Kapseln

Die richtige Dosierung ist entscheidend für eine optimale Wirkung unserer Fliegenpilz Kapseln. Praktischerweise kannst du in unserem Online-Shop ausschließlich Fliegenpilz für Microdosing kaufen. Aus diesem Grund ist es leicht, eine zu hohe Dosierung zu vermeiden. Generell wird empfohlen, nach dem Kaufen von Fliegenpilz zunächst mit einer niedrigen Dosis zu beginnen. So kann sich dein Körper an das Muscimol gewöhnen und du kannst deine Toleranzgrenzen entdecken. 

Wenn die gewünschte Wirkung ausbleibt, kannst du die Dosis langsam, aber kontrolliert erhöhen. Unsere Fliegenpilz Kapseln sind so konzentriert, dass du deine Dosierung gezielt bestimmen und kontrollieren kannst. Solltest du also bisher nicht viele Erfahrungen mit Psychedelika gemacht haben, bieten wir dir eine großartige Möglichkeit, dich langsam heranzutasten.

Fliegenpilz kaufen: sicher, einfach und legal

Solltest du jetzt die zahlreichen positiven Wirkungen selbst erforschen wollen, bist du schon an der richtigen Stelle. Bei uns kannst du Fliegenpilz kaufen, der im Labor getestet wurde und eine hohe Qualität bietet. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass du Fliegenpilz in unserem Online-Shop schnell und anonym kaufen kannst. Fliegenpilz zu kaufen ist eine lohnende Idee, wenn du kontrolliert geringe Dosierungen erforschen möchtest, um von den subtilen, positiven Effekten zu profitieren. Erlebe ein verstärktes inneres Gleichgewicht für mehr Entspannung und Wohlbefinden im Alltag. Kaufe legal und seriös unsere Fliegenpilz Kapseln und werde Teil der psychedelischen Community.

Unsere Quellen

Wenn du dich vor dem Kaufen von Fliegenpilz noch selbst in die Materie einlesen möchtest, findest du im Folgenden unsere wichtigsten Quellen. Dort kannst du interessante Informationen entdecken und deinen Wissensschatz über die faszinierende Pilzart erweitern:

  • Pollmer, Udo: Eine Giftpflanze, die glücklich macht, in: Deutschlandfunk Kultur, o. D., [online]:, 
  • MacDonald, Anna: Harnessing the therapeutic potential of muscimol, in: Neuroscience from Technology Networks, 07.06.2021, [online]: