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Psychedelic Retreat in Germany

Accompanied by psychologists, spiritual guides and experienced tripsitters

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MODERNmind Retreat Trailer


the psychedelic world.

A psychedelic trip is described by many people as one of the most beautiful, important and healing experiences of their lives.

Our psychedelic retreats aim to create a profound mind-expanding experience to gain new, profound - often spiritual - insights about life and yourself. On our retreats you can expect a holistic concept, with which you are optimally prepared for your experience, accompanied through it and your individual insights are integrated.

We offer our monthly MODERNmind Signature Retreats in Stuttgart, as well as private retreats on request.

Please note: Our MODERNmind Signature Retreats are currently only available in German. For an English Retreat experience, we offer our private Retreats on request.

Our path together


The Retreat Process

psychedelic retreat bewerbung
Step 1
A psychedelic retreat is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary that you truthfully provide all relevant information about yourself through our application form.
psychedelic retreat screening
Step 2
Our psychologists will review your application. You can book a free evaluation interview for yourself, and we evaluate whether a psychedelic retreat is right for you at this time.
psychedelic retreat vorbereitung
Step 3
In an online preparation session, you will get to know the other participants and receive valuable input from a MODERNmind psychologist for your mindset and preparation from home. We give you tasks and hints for the time before the retreat.
psychedelic retreat kosten
Step 4
On site, you can expect a holistic approach, psychological workshops and impulses for the optimal preparation before the psychedelic journey. With a strengthened mindset and the right intentions, you will then be guided by our psychologists and experienced guides through an 8-9 hour mind-expanding experience.
retreat psychedelic integration
Step 5
The second day of the retreat is dedicated to integration work. For a psychedelic experience to have a long-term effect, it is important to reflect on your findings. We will give you tools to help you with your long-term integration. You also have the option to book additional one-on-one integration sessions.
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You can specify your dates of interest in the application process.

Private Retreat
optionally as single or group session
Free selection
Signature Retreat
Fully booked
12.04. - 13.04.25
Signature Retreat
Free spaces still available
26.04. - 27.04.25
Signature Retreat
Free spaces still available
24.05. - 25.05.25
Signature Retreat
Plätze verfügbar
07.06. - 08.06.25
Psychedelic Retreat

The MODERNmind Retreat

With our retreats, we open the door to the world of consciousness expansion and create a safe, legal and professional framework. We give you the space to experience a high-dose psychedelic experience in the company of psychologists and experienced guides, with which you will gain new, life-changing insights about yourself, life and the world.

Unlike microdosing, a high-dosing experience produces visual perceptual changes and a so-called psychedelic trip. This state of consciousness expansion can be enormously growth-promoting in a therapeutic setting and thus requires intensive preparation, accompaniment and integration. With our retreat system we prepare you ideally for your journey, help you through your personal process and support you in integrating the insights into your everyday life in the long term.

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Our Psychedelic Retreat includes

General and preliminary

  • Psychological and medical screening for suitability
  • Psychedelic experience together in a harmonious group
  • Online group Zoom call with psychologists to initiate the preparation week
  • Access to the MODERNmind WhatsApp group for exchange and support
  • 1 overnight stay in hotel in single or double room
  • All-inclusive meals (vegan options available)

During the retreat

  • Psychological workshops and holistic preparation for the experience
  • Personal intention building in small groups and tips for your personal journey
  • Guided psychedelic experience with legal LSD derivative (8-9h)
  • Study-based integration work the next day
  • Mindfulness exercises and shamanic rituals such as breathwork, meditations, cacao ceremony, etc.

After (optional)

  • Additional one-on-one integration sessions from home
  • Access to multi-day MODERNmind Alumni Retreats with Plant Medicine abroad, e.g. MODERNmind Reconnect with Nature Retreat (Portugal)
  • MODERNmind Annual Events & Psychedelic Meetups

The diversity of our participants

The special thing about our retreats is that people from very different backgrounds and age groups come together.

Together we grow and learn from each other, always resulting in the wonderful realization:
We are all connected.

Participants include, for example, people...

...who want to explore their consciousness and are curious about what else is out there waiting for them.
...with high pressure and stress levels in their jobs, such as executives, freelancers, entrepreneurs, caregivers, etc.
...who want to further educate themselves, like psychologists, therapists, alternative practitioners, doctors and coaches.
...with a negative self-image, beliefs and self-doubt.
...with formative events in the past such as bullying, tragic life events, difficult family relationships.

The diversity of our participants

The special thing about our retreats is that people from very different backgrounds and age groups come together.

Together we grow and learn from each other, always resulting in the wonderful realization:
We are all connected.

Participants include, for example, people...

...who want to explore their consciousness and are curious about what else is out there waiting for them.
...with high pressure and stress levels in their jobs, such as executives, freelancers, entrepreneurs, caregivers, etc.
...who want to further educate themselves, like psychologists, therapists, alternative practitioners, doctors and coaches.
...with a negative self-image, beliefs and self-doubt.
...with formative events in the past such as bullying, tragic life events, difficult family relationships.

Private & Exclusive Retreats

In addition to our official group retreats, we also offer private psychedelic journeys. This could have relevance for the following groups, for example:

  • People in public life, people who require a high level of discretion
  • People who attach great importance to exclusivity and tailor-made solutions
Send us a message

A MODERNMIND retreat will help you with:


Past events are keeping you from living a full and happy life?

Examples: trauma, bullying, tragic life events, difficult family relationships, etc.


You feel that something is holding you back from realizing your true potential?

Example: You keep moving in the same place and feel that there is more to you and life.


You hold on to negative beliefs and comparisons that limit you.

Example: "I'm not beautiful, successful, valuable, or good enough."


In our retreats, we combine centuries of spiritual healing work from cultures such as Latin American and the science of the western world. Therefore, our ceremonies are led hand-in-hand by guides within a shamanic and therapeutic framework.

Our ceremonies focus on mind-expanding psychedelic experiences. These states can be achieved with holotropic breathing - among others - as well as in a legal psychedelic MODERNmind ceremony.

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Body. Mind. Soul.

You can expect a variety of modules designed to promote physical, mental and spiritual health. These include meditations, Breathwork and group exercises on various beliefs. Again, we work with experts who have years of experience practicing these effective tools.

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Accommodation and catering

Our Signature Retreats take place at our Stuttgart Healing Center. To ensure maximum comfort, each participant has a choice of single or double rooms in a nearby hotel. Food is provided for the entire duration of the retreat. We place great emphasis on high quality and whole foods and also offer vegetarian and vegan options.

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Professional guidance

Our psychedelic retreats are accompanied by experienced guides & psychologists. This way, everyone receives the best possible support. Even beyond your trip, our team is available to you with optional individual therapy from home.

Be part of it

Our Psychedelic Retreat - accompanied by therapists

MODERNmind Psychedelic Retreats combine the centuries-old spiritual healing work of Latin America and Asia, held in the form of shamanic ceremonies, with the Western science of today. Our retreats welcome anyone who feels ready to embark on this special journey and is curious to find out more about themselves and life. On MODERNmind's Psychedelic Retreat, you are allowed to let go and give up control, you are allowed to bring everything that evokes feelings in you, be it positive experiences or negative ones. Many participants want to work through past traumas, pain, strokes of fate or negative, formative moments of childhood.

Others are mainly interested in learning more about themselves through a Psychedelic Retreat, to learn and experience new strengths and potentials. Participants at MODERNmind LSD Retreats come not only with different intentions, but also with different backgrounds. Students, mothers, fathers, self-employed, entrepreneurs, employees as well as creative professionals and freelancers take part in the MODERNmind retreats.

You are in best hands with us and will be accompanied by shamans, psychologists and therapists with years of experience.

What is a Psychedelic Retreat?

In the beginning of course, the first question that comes to mind is "What is a retreat?". A retreat in general refers to a planned spiritual blueprint or retreat from one's usual surroundings. While the term is also generally used in English to refer to periods of relaxation or stress reduction, in German the meaning of a spiritual practice involving various mental and physical practices has become accepted. The goal of many is to create a better understanding of oneself, problems and one's environment, as well as to gain new perspectives.

Retreats provide a framework for reflecting on choices and establishing healthy habits. There are a variety of options such as a yoga retreat, meditation retreat or even the Psychedelic Retreat. A Psychedelic Retreat is characterized by the use of a psychedelic substance such as LSD, Plant Medicine or the like. A psychedelic trip is the goal of a MODERNmind retreat and, under the guidance of experts such as a shaman and psychedelic therapist, can work wonders in raising consciousness. The origin of consciousness-expanding experiences lies centuries in the past. Especially in Latin America and Asia, early cultures worked with psychedelic substances.

As in modern times, people have felt the urge to seek inner peace and build a better self-image full of love and gratitude for centuries. A Psychedelic Retreat can help people gain insight into their mind to heal inner wounds, for example. The MODERNmind retreat is especially characterized by the fact that, in addition to the use of a psychedelic substance in a protected setting, great emphasis is placed on the preparation of the participant, integration after the retreat and the BMS system.

Our Psychedelic BMS system


The Retreat Components

We use different practices for body, mind and soul on our psychedelic retreat to give the participant a holistic experience, and because we believe that all functions of the human being contribute to being balanced, healthy and happy. So our psychedelic retreat is the right one for people who are ready to start an intense journey into themselves.

Breathwork: We use breathing exercises to promote mental, physical and spiritual well-being on our psychedelic retreat, contributing to deep relaxation and awareness.

Meditations: Various concentration exercises contribute to optimal preparation for the intense Ceremony (psychedelic ceremony) and help in finding one's inner center and harmony. Our shamans are also happy to work with sound healing.

Yoga: Through the millennia-old teachings from India, a connection of body, mind & soul is achieved with the goal of strengthening and bringing them into balance.

Ceremonies: The MODERNmind LSD retreat focuses on mind-expanding ceremonies with legal psychedelic substances. Your trip will be accompanied by professional guides, shamans and therapists. The main ceremonies of the MODERNmind Psychedelic Retreat are a cacao ceremony (Plant Medicine ceremony) and an LSD ceremony with a legal LSD derivative.

What is a cacao ceremony?

The Cacao Ceremony is becoming increasingly popular - numerous spiritual blogs and Instagram accounts talk about them and the warm feeling they leave in you. It is a centuries-old shamanic ritual that has been passed down from generation to generation, mainly by the Incas and Mayans. In this process, cacao, which is of the highest purity and raw, is served and drunk in a ceremonial setting. Cacao is a powerful plant medicine that is said to balance the imbalance between nature and human. In addition to appreciation of Mother Earth, cacao is also said to bring clarity, self-determination and harmony to our lives. Gratitude is often expressed, breathing exercises and other rituals are performed - so the heart is ready to open.

Generally, it is addressed to what is on one's soul, whereby blockages can also be solved. It is often reported that a warm feeling arises in one and one literally wants to dance. In addition to the rituals for soul and spirit, this is also due to the high proportion of serotonin, the "happiness hormone", and tryptophan, which stimulates serotonin production. In addition, anandamide is also present, which leads to the metaphysical, spiritual level, where cocoa creates access to ideas, visions and insights.

Retreat vacation with many benefits?

The right set and setting on our retreat is created by specialized therapists and shamans with many years of experience. At the MODERNmind retreat, you will be in an optimal and safe environment with security factors, where you will find the space to let go and give up control. This way, you are able to redefine yourself and focus on your personal psychedelic experience. Our German-speaking retreat is held by professional guides in the most magical environment possible, such as a retreat room or outdoors. Our psychedelic retreat starts already at home by giving you important tools to prepare yourself for the weekend in the best possible way, such as intention building, recommendations for nutrition and the daily consumption of media, stimulants and co.

The goal is to prepare you optimally for the psychedelic retreat. On the psychedelic retreat itself, you will be prepared again intensively for the mind-expanding journey through our BMS system modules. This makes the MODERNmind psychedelic retreat ideal for newcomers who have not yet had any contact with mind-expanding substances. Many of our clients are on a psychedelic retreat for the first time and often travel alone.

If you want to go on the Psychedelic Retreat with your partner, friends, family members or other people in your life, it is also a great way to strengthen your connections. No matter what you choose, you will be warmly welcomed and feel connected to the other participants of the Psychedelic Retreat. Psychedelics help to ground us and connect us not only with ourselves, but also with our environment, nature and other people.

Our participants all come to us with very different intentions. What they all have in common is the curiosity to explore their own consciousness and to feel inner connection through that. It is important to listen deeply to yourself and to reflect if you feel the inner call for a psychedelic retreat. You do not have to be experienced, just feel ready, more joyful and curious.

Click here to apply.


We are here for you!
Mon - Fri 9 am to 6 pm / Sat 10 am to 2 pm