1S-LSD High Dosing Blotter

Sale price€64,90

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Crowd: 5


2-3 business days

  • For advanced users
  • 150 mcg per LSD blotter
  • Please note the application instructions in the member area
  • Access to member consultation hours
  • Chemical information: 1-trimethylsilyl-propionyl-lysergic acid diethylamide hemi-D-tartrate


High-Dosing LSD Blotter: Your Journey with 1S-LSD

From us you can buy 1S-LSD in high-dosage blotters , which contain 5, 10, 20, 40 and 100 LSD blotters, each containing 150 µg of 1S-LSD . The LSD blotters have a tear edge and can therefore be easily separated. Usual research quantity: 1 or 1.5 blotters (=150/225mcg)

Safety notice:
Please note that high-dosing / macrodosing should only be used by experienced and advanced researchers. First-time users should never use high-dose research substances alone and without extensive preparation. A professional psychedelic retreat can provide a safe environment for first-time users.

From now on: Collection possible from order value 150 € in Cologne, Hamburg, Bremen & Munich.

Please send a message at least 24 hours in advance to: +4917656612865

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Explore LSD blotters and possibly discover worlds

LSD Blotter is not intended for human consumption. All experiences described are based on subjective reports and are not to be understood as instructions or recommendations.

LSD blotters are a specific application of the well-known lysergic acid diethylamide. The substance is dripped onto a piece of absorbent paper, a so-called "cardboard". LSD blotters offer researchers completely new possibilities to explore the possible effects of the substance and gain new insights.

If you also see LSD blotters as an interesting research subject, you have come to the right place: In our transparent online shop you can buy legal LSD blotters for your research. Below we offer you an exciting look at the possible effects of the research subject.

We base our research on numerous individual reports from researchers around the world. For this reason, the following information should be understood with caution. The effects of LSD blotter can vary depending on personal factors such as tolerance levels or body weight, so research should always be conducted with caution and care.

LSD Blotter Picture

The possible effects of LSD blotter

The effects of LSD Blotter are manifold. To give you an initial insight into the possibilities of the substance, we will show you the effects that are most frequently reported in subjective research reports:

  • Creative energies: Some researchers report that they have gained new creativity.
  • Self-reflection: A deeper self-knowledge is also one of the effects of LSD Blotter and is mentioned in some reports.
  • Reduction of social inhibitions: Researchers have also observed effects of LSD blotters in interpersonal relationships. In some cases, the research object led to the reduction of social inhibitions.
  • Resolving mental blocks: Some researchers report having broken down mental blocks through research into LSD blotters.

As you can see, the effects and experiences of researchers vary widely. One reason for this is the intense effect of LSD Blotter, which can manifest itself differently depending on your personal condition. To give you a better understanding of the potential of LSD Blotter, we will take a closer look at the effects described above.

The possible effects of LSD blotter

The effects of LSD Blotter are manifold. To give you an initial insight into the possibilities of the substance, we will show you the effects that are most frequently reported in subjective research reports:

  • Creative energies: Some researchers report that they have gained new creativity.
  • Self-reflection: A deeper self-knowledge is also one of the effects of LSD Blotter and is mentioned in some reports.
  • Reduction of social inhibitions: Researchers have also observed effects of LSD blotters in interpersonal relationships. In some cases, the research object led to the reduction of social inhibitions.
  • Resolving mental blocks: Some researchers report having broken down mental blocks through research into LSD blotters.

As you can see, the effects and experiences of researchers vary widely. One reason for this is the intense effect of LSD Blotter, which can manifest itself differently depending on your personal condition. To give you a better understanding of the potential of LSD Blotter, we will take a closer look at the effects described above.

LSD Blotter Picture
LSD Blotter Trip

LSD blotters and creative impulses

Some researchers report fresh creative impulses that are said to have arisen during research with LSB blotters. The reason for this is probably the perception-altering effects of our LSD blotters. According to research reports, visual hallucinations occur. Abstract geometric shapes and intense colors are reported.

These impressions can encourage creative impulses, which is why LSD blotters are also being researched by artists. In rare cases, synesthesia has even been reported in connection with LSD blotters. This is the merging of two senses. There are reports from researchers who claim to have heard colors.

LSD blotters and creative impulses

Some researchers report fresh creative impulses that are said to have arisen during research with LSB blotters. The reason for this is probably the perception-altering effects of our LSD blotters. According to research reports, visual hallucinations occur. Abstract geometric shapes and intense colors are reported.

These impressions can encourage creative impulses, which is why LSD blotters are also being researched by artists. In rare cases, synesthesia has even been reported in connection with LSD blotters. This is the merging of two senses. There are reports from researchers who claim to have heard colors.

LSD Blotter Trip
LSD Blotter Reflexion

LSD Blotter and Possible Self-Reflection

However, numerous researchers report effects related to research into LSD blotters that go beyond sensory changes. In some cases, a deeper self-reflection was observed. Researchers report deeper emotional impressions and new insights into their own being. In rare cases, researchers have also had such altered consciousness experiences that they want to have changed their lives permanently after the research.

LSD Blotter and Possible Self-Reflection

However, numerous researchers report effects related to research into LSD blotters that go beyond sensory changes. In some cases, a deeper self-reflection was observed. Researchers report deeper emotional impressions and new insights into their own being. In rare cases, researchers have also had such altered consciousness experiences that they want to have changed their lives permanently after the research.

LSD Blotter Reflexion
LSD Blotter Reflexion Sozial

Possible Effects of LSD Blotter in Social Context

In connection with the increased self-reflection, some researchers also report effects in social contexts. They are said to have perceived themselves as more open in their interactions with people they know and strangers. This is said to have led to a stronger bond with their fellow human beings. As a result, some researchers report making new acquaintances and deepening and working on existing relationships.

Possible Effects of LSD Blotter in Social Context

In connection with the increased self-reflection, some researchers also report effects in social contexts. They are said to have perceived themselves as more open in their interactions with people they know and strangers. This is said to have led to a stronger bond with their fellow human beings. As a result, some researchers report making new acquaintances and deepening and working on existing relationships.

LSD Blotter Reflexion Sozial
LSD Blotter Blockaden Lösen

Using LSD Blotter to potentially release blockages

In combination with the other effects, some researchers report a lasting solution to internal blockages. The spectrum of the exact effects is extremely broad and depends greatly on the individual. While some researchers testify to having thought in new ways and thus found solutions to problems, others were able to reduce fears in their relationships or overcome sexual inhibitions.

Using LSD Blotter to potentially release blockages

In combination with the other effects, some researchers report a lasting solution to internal blockages. The spectrum of the exact effects is extremely broad and depends greatly on the individual. While some researchers testify to having thought in new ways and thus found solutions to problems, others were able to reduce fears in their relationships or overcome sexual inhibitions.

LSD Blotter Blockaden Lösen
LSD Blotter Molekülstruktur

The Application of LSD Blotter in Research

Our LSD blotter should only be used by experienced researchers. The intensity of the active ingredient is designed for high-dosing. Each LSD blotter contains 150 µg of active ingredient, which can produce very pronounced effects. This is confirmed by many reports from researchers who already have experience in researching psychedelics.

Ideally, you should conduct your research under the supervision of a trained trip sitter. They can provide a positive setting and help with complications. If you want to exercise extra caution in your research, researchers recommend testingLSD microdosing instead. The idea is to research a minimal amount of the drug in order to subtly experience possible effects. Many researchers report positive results.

The Application of LSD Blotter in Research

Our LSD blotter should only be used by experienced researchers. The intensity of the active ingredient is designed for high-dosing. Each LSD blotter contains 150 µg of active ingredient, which can produce very pronounced effects. This is confirmed by many reports from researchers who already have experience in researching psychedelics.

Ideally, you should conduct your research under the supervision of a trained trip sitter. They can provide a positive setting and help with complications. If you want to exercise extra caution in your research, researchers recommend testingLSD microdosing instead. The idea is to research a minimal amount of the drug in order to subtly experience possible effects. Many researchers report positive results.

LSD Blotter Molekülstruktur
LSD Blotter Erforschung

Notes on Researching LSD Blotter

Based on research reports, there are some tips that have been followed by most researchers and therefore provide a suitable orientation. These are mainly notes to make research into LSD blotters as safe as possible. So if you want to buy LSD blotters for research and don't have much experience with psychedelics, these findings from researchers are of particular interest to you:

  • A positive mindset: Since LSD blotters have been able to trigger changes in perception and deep insights into one's own emotional world in many researchers, they emphasize that a positive basic mood is important. This makes it more likely that people will be open to research, which promotes a positive experience.
  • A safe and supportive setting: The setting refers to the environment. It should radiate positivity and warmth. Researchers also report the importance of conducting research in a safe environment. The best experiences were seen by researchers who were able to surround themselves with trusted people or professional trip sitters during research.
  • Research LSD blotters with caution: Reports emphasize that LSD blotters should only be explored by experienced researchers and that research should begin with a low-intensity approach to better assess the potential effects.

Notes on Researching LSD Blotter

Based on research reports, there are some tips that have been followed by most researchers and therefore provide a suitable orientation. These are mainly notes to make research into LSD blotters as safe as possible. So if you want to buy LSD blotters for research and don't have much experience with psychedelics, these findings from researchers are of particular interest to you:

  • A positive mindset: Since LSD blotters have been able to trigger changes in perception and deep insights into one's own emotional world in many researchers, they emphasize that a positive basic mood is important. This makes it more likely that people will be open to research, which promotes a positive experience.
  • A safe and supportive setting: The setting refers to the environment. It should radiate positivity and warmth. Researchers also report the importance of conducting research in a safe environment. The best experiences were seen by researchers who were able to surround themselves with trusted people or professional trip sitters during research.
  • Research LSD blotters with caution: Reports emphasize that LSD blotters should only be explored by experienced researchers and that research should begin with a low-intensity approach to better assess the potential effects.
LSD Blotter Erforschung

Buy legal LSD blotters and explore diverse effects

Our LSD blotter is a popular way to research the popular active ingredient and thus gain new insights - about the research subject and about yourself. If you would like to contribute to research, you can order legal LSD blotters from us and research the possible effects. It is important, however, that our intense LSD blotters have different effects from person to person. It is therefore important to research carefully and respectfully.

If you choose us as your reputable partner, you will benefit not only from legal LSD blotters but also from our fast and anonymous delivery. Even though our derivative is legal, psychedelics are often met with prejudice. With us, you can avoid this and concentrate fully on your research.