Nowadays, many people ask themselves the question "What is microdosing?" and wonder what they need to know about this trend. Simply put, it’s the use of psychedelics in small doses to achieve a certain (therapeutic) effect.
But how does it work? What's the truth behind the rumor that more and more well-known entrepreneurs are pushing their performance with hallucinogens? We tell you what you need to know about LSD microdosing, the right dosage and other questions.
Here at MODERNmind, you can also buy the appropriate legal products and experiment with them to gain your own experience. Discover what microdosing is now!
What is different about LSD microdosing than the classic trip?
You've probably heard of LSD trips for self-discovery or psychedelic journeys. Large amounts of psychedelic substances cause human perception to change. It's not for nothing that people talk about hallucinogens, which are actually capable of triggering hallucinations and sensory illusions. What feels exciting to many conscious trip-goers on LSD on the other hand, would hinder you in your daily lifestyle and probably even affect it negatively. While many users report increased concentration, a trip is not a state in which you can communicate with clients or focus on your work.
This is exactly where we come to the effects of microdosing. Here, users explore only a tiny amount of psychedelic substances without producing a high. When asked what microdosing ist, lässt sich damit is, one can clearly say that it is the reduced use of psychedelic substances.
The right dosage in microdosing - less is more?
"What is Microdosing?" - we have now answered this question. But what about the right dose? Which dose is small enough? As the name implies, microdosing is sufficient to achieve the desired effect here. With psychedelics like LSD and mushrooms, this would be about one tenth of the amount otherwise used for a high. The peculiarity is that with the extra low dosage, no trip is desired. Consequently, an overdose with the typical effect of psychedelics would disturb the user.
Especially during the first experiments, it is still advisable to proceed cautiously. This way, you can individually find out what microdosing is for you exactly. Even if the dose used is less than one tenth, this isn’t negative. The effect doesn’t show up immediately anyway, but over a longer period of time. Experienced experimenters report they have developed the optimal microdosing dosage only after a few weeks. It became clear at the latest when their own performance was perceived as significantly improved.

Using LSD when microdosing - not the only option!
Is there even a clear answer to the question of what microdosing is? Yes, there is! Microdosing always describes the use of a small amount of a psychedelic or psychoactive substance to achieve a positive effect. However, there are distinct differences in the type of substance chosen.
LSD is one of the best-known hallucinogens, so it's no surprise that LSD microdosing is mentioned quite frequently. Most users experiment with small amounts of the hallucinogen in order to sharpen their perception, increase their ability to concentrate and to be able to call up more power. So, unlike mushrooms, LSD is not specifically about the experimental treatment of psychological ailments, but about increasing one's own competencies. Here, too, the dosage for microdosing is set very low. Those who try it usually experiment with a fraction of the amount that would be used for a high.
Are you interested in microdosing with LSD? Our legal microdosing kit could be an exciting introduction to the world of microdosing for you. In addition to the microdosing kit, you will receive a password to the MODERNmind member area with your order, where you will find further interesting content about psychedelics.
For whom microdosing mushrooms are the right choice
More and more people are also using microdosing with mushrooms. But what is special about microdosing with mushrooms? And why do some experimenters prefer shrooms? The basis of the so-called magic mushrooms is the active ingredient psilocybin, which is used experimentally in minuscule quantities in low-dosing. The aim is to trigger the positive effects of psilocybin without getting into a state of intoxication.
The effect of magic mushrooms on the human psyche has been researched for years. There are clear approaches to the effect that they can have a positive effect on mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and overwhelm. So what microdosing is, is also always in the eye of the beholder - while for some it’s a lever for more concentration or creativity, for others it’s an addition to therapy.
Interesting to know: The thesis that psilocybin could help against depression is supported by one of the most renowned research institutes in Germany – the Charité in Berlin, which assumes that the active ingredient of magic mushrooms influences the serotonin system. Serotonin, in turn, is the most relevant messenger substance when it comes to personal mood.

Cannabis Microdosing - is CBD the better choice here?
Much is known about the effects of cannabis, and the substance (still banned as a drug) can even be prescribed by doctors since 2017. It can be inferred that science has long had well-founded knowledge regarding its effectiveness. But what is microdosing with cannabis? Isn't the point of consuming cannabis only when the typical high is induced? Not really, according to those who experiment with small doses of THC.
Cannabis can have many positive influences on the human body. For example, it is said to reduce pain, regulate inflammation, and minimize mental illness. The big downside to this is that THC causes intoxication. Those who use it can no longer drive vehicles and find themselves in an "intoxicated" state for a while. Afterwards, there are often appetite attacks and thus excessive food consumption.
If you now try to reduce THC in a self-experiment with microdosing, you can prevent the intoxication from occurring. At the same time, however, cannabis is still added to the body, but in smaller quantities. It is debatable whether the reduced number of cannabinoids (not only THC is contained in cannabis) actually produces an effect, which is the basic idea behind microdosing. Positive reports of experience almost always come from people who have experimented with small doses in self-experiments.
But wouldn't CBD be the better alternative, since it is officially non-intoxicating and legally available? There is no consensus among users on this, either. CBD weed has made a name for itself and is used by many people to reduce pain and other ailments. It is legal, but only contains a maximum of 0.2% THC.
The question at this point is whether the THC content is higher at minimal dosage than when CBD is used. So our question is not only: What is microdosing, but also: When is microdosing really useful?
In fact, it seems that there is no clear answer to this. There are cannabis enthusiasts who are eager to experiment and who are absolutely convinced of low-dosing with the substance. On the other hand, there are also those who prefer to use CBD in high doses and thus benefit from cannabinoids.
MDMA Microdosing: Can you take ecstasy in microdoses?
When we look at what microdosing is and what substances it is used with, MDMA cannot be missing from our explanation. Although microdosing with LSD has by far the biggest demand, ecstasy also plays a role. MDMA is actually a typical recreational drug that is banned on the German market. In microdosing, the substance is taken in such small quantities that the typical high effect is absent. In classic recreational dosing, MDMA provides a feeling of anxiety, promotes the production of dopamine and serotonin, and in this way triggers the state of intoxication.
Those who experiment with it hope to achieve these effects in a weakened form. So instead of a high, the focus is on the anxiety-relieving effects, which can of course also be extremely helpful in everyday life.
Cocaine microdosing: low-dose coke as a drive-enhancing agent?
Cocaine is the drug of the "hard-working", as is often claimed. Taking it provides sleeplessness, energy boosts and maximum concentration. A cocaine rush cannot be compared to an LSD trip, which many people experience as rather calm and introverted. Cocaine users have been experimenting with a tiny dosage for some time, trying out whether they can take advantage of the drug's positive effects in a more minor way.
Microdosing as an experience: What do users say about their experiences?
There is a great willingness to experiment with one's own body and psychedelic substances. Especially in the past five years, the topic has become much more important again; LSD experienced its first boom back in the 1970s. Before the substance was banned, and it became known what microdosing was, the medical benefits of LSD had long been clarified. They fell into oblivion until some people breathed new life into the subject again with low dosing of LSD.
Those who use it regularly are convinced of its effects. It doesn’t matter much whether there is scientific proof. Freely following the motto "What helps is right", free spirits experiment with the low doses in order to call up their own abilities in the best possible way.
Risks of microdosing - what dangers do you need to know?
What is the risk with microdosing? Basically, the risks here are considered to be lower compared to the dangers of classic drug use. Nevertheless, side effects can never be completely ruled out in experiments. It is to be expected that these resemble the typical side effects of a drug rush with the respective substance, which is of course a basic idea of microdosing. If a cannabis joint provides a craving attack, microdosing may lead to minimally increased appetite.
Similarly, with hallucinogens such as LSD or mushrooms, high levels of consumption can result in negative trip experiences or psychosis. What is left of this with microdosing? Due to the lower dosage, most experimenters do not report such side effects. So in terms of risks, microdosing is low in impact.
What about long-term damage from microdosing? Since there are no scientific studies on this yet, the knowledge so far is based on reports from users. A potential dependency is in question, since microdosing involves working with substances over a long period of time. The effect here is not based on a one-time intoxication, but on the permanent supply of the corresponding substances.
We know, however, that according to the current status (even in high doses) LSD at least does not produce any physical addiction symptoms. Whether and from when it is possible to develop a psychological addiction, however, cannot be conclusively clarified. However, users report that they could stop low-dosing at any time so far.
Are billionaires high all the time, or do they microdose? The rumors about microdosing among high earners:
Is it just a rumor, or is it true that microdosing is a major topic on the agenda in Silicon Valley? In fact, there are many reports that substances like ayahuasca are used to activate one's own potential. Hallucinogens are also a topic, as an insider recently reported to a German magazine. However, almost exclusively, microdosing plays a role here. So it's not about being permanently intoxicated, but about exploiting one's own potential differently.
We all remember the brilliant mind Steve Jobs, who caused a sensation with his reports about LSD. He always stood behind the psychedelic substance, praising it to the skies during the 1970s. Probably one of his most elementary statements was that he had built his corporation on the back of an LSD trip.
The phenomenon of the proliferation of low-dosing in millionaire circles is not unusual. In the meritocracy, it is pioneers like Elon Musk and Co. who have everything demanded of them in their daily business. If they don't fly faster, better and higher than the competition, they have to expect a crash. No one wants that, and so experiments with microdosing in business are only too willingly accepted.
Conclusion: Many experiments based on microdosing
In recent years, the willingness to experiment on the basis of low dosages has increased significantly. More and more people know what microdosing is and can identify with the praised effect.
Although some of the substances are not officially legal, the willingness to experiment has not diminished. Silicon Valley is leading the way, and in Europe, performance-conscious people are increasingly following suit. With MODERNmind's legal highs, you'll be able to find out for yourself if microdosing experiments are interesting for you.