Magic Mushroom Microdosing - everything you need to know about the trend.
Time to read 12 min
Time to read 12 min
The "psychedelic drugs" known as magic mushrooms are mushrooms containing the substance psilocybin. According to legends, corresponding mushrooms were already consumed several thousand years ago for religious or cultural purposes.
The effect is similar to LSD: psychedelic effects and hallucinogenic influences are known. For some time now, a new trend has been gaining ground. If psilocybin is used in microdosing, there are said to be positive effects on various ailments.
Mushrooms containing psilocybin were used ritually as early as 9000 B.C. - at least that's how far back the records go. Ancient stone paintings from North Africa provided clear information that the indigenous people of the land were already consuming magic mushrooms. Mushrooms also played an important role among the Mayans. At that time, religious rituals in particular were supported by the ingestion of psychedelics. It was the indigenous cultures that first made the psilocybin mushroom available to a wider audience.
Allan Richardson and Gordon Wasson are considered to be the two Americans who caused it to spread to Mexico in 1950. In 1957, both participated in a ritual and openly reported their experiences. This brought more attention to psychedelic mushrooms in the West and interest grew.
More and more people made pilgrimages to the places where the two Americans first participated in a psychedelic ritual. Legend has it that famous figures such as Mick Jagger, John Lennon and Bob Dylan were among them. Due to the growing notoriety, the subject also became public in the mainstream. At one point, magic mushrooms were standard fare at the major festivals of the '60s and '70s.
It was in 2011 when Dr. James Fadiman first reported on the topic of microdosing mushrooms. Since then, the term has become well-known and is considered a serious alternative to classic consumption of psychedelic substances. In his research, the well-known doctor pointed out that microdosing with mushrooms can have an effect on the psyche and body.
The scientific effect of psilocybin can be easily explained. During microdosing, psilocybin is brought into the body, which is then in turn converted into psilocin. This substance is similar to the body's own messenger substance serotonin, which is responsible for mental balance, among other things. This is one of the reasons why Microdosing Mushrooms are said to positively influence depression and melancholy.
According to reports, a pure dose of psilocybin (12 to 20 mg) has a typical hallucinogenic effect. Compared to LSD, the effect is shorter overall, but no less intense. Physical complications have not been demonstrated in research to date, but psychological risks exist at high doses. In particular, reckless behavior and poor assessment of dangers can increase the risk of accidents.
Unlike recreational use, microdosing involves consuming only a tiny amount of shrooms. The goal behind this is not to induce a full trip, but only a subliminal effect of the mushrooms. A typical recreational dose is often several grams, while the usual microdosing mushroom amount is around 0.2g. There should be no massive impairment of perception, so that the risk of accidents is reduced.
We know it from homeopathy. Here, tiny amounts of substances are applied in the hope of achieving an effect. Since the microdosing mushrooms dosage is minuscule, evil tongues like to claim that the effect is based on a placebo effect. In fact, science sees it differently. A study conducted on mice in 2013 concluded that neurogenesis is promoted by microdosing mushrooms.
This process stimulates neuron growth in the brain and is said to lead to increased mental performance. There are also initial approaches that confirm that the microdosing of magic mushrooms can have a positive influence on creativity.
Microdosing is said to have positive effects in many areas. The aim is always to use the useful effect of psychedelic drugs, but to do without the negative experiences of a trip. In this way, the substance can be dosed safely and effectively at the same time. In general, microdosing refers to different effects.
Many users who use mushrooms in the context of microdosing report improved sleep. The mushrooms are said to have a calming effect and help to better switch off the annoying carousel of thoughts in the evening.
Experienced microdosing users report that they can achieve better attention performance with microdosed shrooms. Satisfied users include many students who turn to microdosing mushrooms instead of Adderall and other performance-enhancing products.
Users who have already tried the microdosing of mushrooms tell about the fact that they can lead themselves more confidently and approach other people more easily through the use. It is mainly shy people who have discovered added value for themselves. Indecisive behavior and fear of new encounters could be reduced, according to the satisfied users, which provided more satisfaction in everyday life.
Magic Mushroom Microdosing is repeatedly praised by users for increasing physical perception. For example, people report that they perceive touch more intensely and that it has positive effects on their sex life. Many users also report that they "get along better with themselves and their bodies".
Addictions are a challenge for the human body. Especially in Germany, the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes are at a very high level. There are findings from users to the effect that microdosing of mushrooms can provide support in the renunciation of such stimulants.
Since symptoms such as nervousness, anxiety, depression and other psychological phenomena quickly appear when addicted to or abstaining from an addictive substance, the relief could be explained causally. There was a study proving that after one month of using psilocybin, mood and mental stability were improved. This could explain the effect in alleviating addictive phenomena.
For a long time, physicians assumed that only high doses of psychedelic drugs could reduce pain. Currently, however, there are too few studies to prove the effect of low doses. A case series reported about three people who used psilocybin for chronic neuropathic pain. All three had in common that their previous medication with painkillers did not help and that their quality of life was severely impaired as a result.
Magic Mushroom Microdosing had a positive effect in all three patients and a strong pain relief was achieved. As a result, the subjects were able to reduce their analgesic dose, which also reduced the risk of side effects. Even though this was a case of chronic neuropathic pain, the effect can possibly be transferred to headaches.
Numerous users have reported in the past that the combination of high fluid consumption (water) and the use of Magic Mushroom Microdosing resulted in relief of chronic headaches. While studies have not yet been conducted, the systematic nature behind the application would explain such an effect.
Without their morning coffee, many people do not even feel able to take up their daily routine. The stimulant caffeine acts directly on the brain and strengthens concentration, mental fitness and creativity. There are increasing reports that the effect is also present in magic mushrooms. In recreational dosing, people use psychedelic drugs primarily to put themselves in a good mood and create trips. A side effect is the increased alertness that comes with a state of wide awake.
Magic mushroom microdosing, on the other hand, is not expected to produce trip-like states. However, users report that the increased alertness is still present. This makes the "magic mushrooms" a popular alternative to classic pick-me-ups such as coffee, cola or tea!
There have been several studies in the recent past. In 2012, it was reported that taking psilocybin increased the ability to make unconventional connections between seemingly unrelated ideas. This is an important component of what we call creativity. In 2016, there was once again debate about the positive influence attributed to psilocybin mushrooms in terms of cognitive flexibility.
While there are no conclusive studies, people who frequently microdose psilocybin consistently report positive experiences. They describe the effect as enhancing creativity without inhibiting logical thought processes.
Recreational doses of magic mushrooms also stimulate cognitive expansion of horizons, but have parallel negative influences. At the stage of a trip, it is no longer possible for most people to realistically assess situations and make decisions. This is exactly where Magic Mushrooms Microdosing makes a difference. The tiny doses ensure that the decision-making power is not influenced, but still triggers the positive effects of psychedelic drugs.
More and more people affected by depression report that the microdosing of psychedelics has a positive influence on the symptoms. Despite these increasingly loud voices, there are still too few scientific studies that can support this thesis. A 2020 study should change that! Here, no studies were conducted on test persons, but various study results were analyzed and combined.
It emerged that not only LSD as a psychedelic drug, but also the minor intake of psilocybin, were associated with a positive effect on mental health. Furthermore, the comparison showed that microdosed psilocybin was well tolerated by otherwise healthy patients and that there were hardly any side effects.
However, these results are still not enough to prove the effectiveness from a scientific point of view. However, if we look at what experienced users say, the impression is clear. Many sufferers of depression feel that they are not being advised or treated adequately by their doctors.
Therapy with classic antidepressants also has considerable side effects. SSRIs (serotonin reuptake inhibitors) work on the basis of reducing serotonin breakdown in the brain.
If we now proceed from the assumption that magic mushrooms microdosing has a similarity in its effect on serotonin levels, the positive experience reports could be explained by this.
A study from the year 2017 is also very exciting. The participants concerned suffered from a therapy-resistant major depression that did not respond to conventional treatment methods.
A total of 19 people took part in the study. Within a very short period of time, magic mushroom microdosing led to significant relief of depressive symptoms. After one week, all 19 subjects reported an improvement in their symptoms, 12 of which could be substantiated according to scientific criteria.
Active research is being conducted in the area of the effect of magic mushroom microdosing on ADHD patients. The results to date are unclear.
Some research suggests that a significant improvement in symptoms can be achieved by microdosing psilocybin. Others see an effect for patients only in combination with other therapeutic measures.
Some experts see the influence of psilocybin on the brain of people with ADHD as problematic. It is up for debate whether even microdosing could have negative effects for the hyper-sensitive ADHD patients.
Indeed, more research is needed here with volunteers willing to undergo the complementary treatment. As of today, much suggests efficacy, provided the basic therapy of ADHD is not interrupted.
While there are more studies on the effect of magic mushroom microdosing on depression, valid research results for the area of anxiety and panic are missing. Here it is mainly users who report positively and recognize a strong effect on themselves. Anxiety and panic attacks occur at least once in a lifetime in every third person in Germany. Triggers can be serious life events, but also chronic stress or endogenous factors.
The medical treatment of anxiety disorders is difficult. Benzodiazepines, which have a strong anxiety-relieving effect and are considered an acute medication, have considerable side effects. They must not be taken for longer than six weeks, as there is a risk of addiction.
However, since therapy with benzodiazepines does not cure the underlying disorder, discontinuation is problematic for many sufferers.
Another approach is to take serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, the efficacy of which has been demonstrated in numerous studies. The disadvantage here is that the effect is delayed (between 6 and 8 weeks) and physical habituation occurs even without mental addiction potential.
In addition, there are side effects that are particularly related to the libido of those affected, but also to body weight and general mood.
Magic mushrooms microdosing is said to be very effective by people who have already purchased corresponding products. Sufferers report that they suffered less acute panic attacks and anxiety after a very short period of time. However, most reports indicate that the microdosed mushrooms were not used as the sole method of therapy.
Especially in the case of specific phobias, it helped the patients to additionally undergo behavioral therapy.
There is no scientific evidence about the influence of Magic Mushroom Microdosing on speech disorders such as stuttering.
However, we are telling you about it because numerous users are talking about it. The most likely effect of psilocybin is on self-confidence. For example, many stutterers feel very nervous when speaking in front of a group and can't handle it.
A more relaxed mood may make it easier to reduce one's speech disorder and speak more confidently.
Some users also report that microdosing enables them to put their thoughts into clear words more quickly and thus have fewer speech problems.
Microdosing mushrooms can unfortunately not be bought in Germany at present, as they fall under the Narcotics Act (BtMG). Nevertheless, mushrooms are being decriminalized or legalized for medical purposes in more and more countries. For example, since July 1, 2023, doctors in Australia have been able to prescribe mushrooms containing psilocybin to patients suffering from mental illnesses such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. This makes Australia the first country in the world to take this step and legalize mushrooms for medical purposes.
Until it’s possible to buy psilocybin microdosing in Germany, maybe kanna could be an interesting alternative for you. Just like psilocybin-containing mushrooms, Kanna is a naturally occurring plant that has been used traditionally for centuries. Kanna originates from South Africa and is also known as Sceletium tortuosum or as Khoi Khoi. The kanna plant contains mainly the alkaloids mesembrine and mesembrenine, which act as serotonin reuptake inhibitors and have a relaxing and mood-lifting effect. Thus, kanna is virtually a natural antidepressant that has helped many users with ailments such as stress, anxiety, and depression. You can find high-quality kanna extract in our online store.
When it comes to studies on alternative (and effective) therapies, the picture is often the same. Researchers are uncertain, distrustful, too little attention is paid to existing work. You may be familiar with this effect from cannabidiol (CBD), which, like microdosed psychedelics, is often condemned as "the devil's stuff".
Yet with magic mushrooms (microdosing) in particular, the available study results on the effect on depression are clear! 280 million people suffer from depression worldwide.
The disease is not visible from the outside, and affected people are very often stigmatized. The pressure to perform in our society makes it simply impossible to have a mental illness, to stand by it and to cure it!
However, the image of the always functioning human robot is changing. Strongly influenced by Generation Z, mental health is coming into focus.
It is becoming increasingly clear that a healthy body can only function in harmony with a healthy mind! And this in turn increases the demand for solutions that are available and work far away from conventional medicine.
The voices of those who have gotten a grip on illnesses such as burnout, anxiety and even depression through the use of microdosing are becoming louder and louder. However, this is not a free pass to experiment with psychedelics.
A well-founded medical treatment is still the be-all and end-all, a therapy with psychedelics alone and on one's own is not recommendable!
As a conclusion, it remains to say that the approach of microdosing mushrooms is promising. Even well-known personalities like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk have already discovered the benefits for themselves. "LSD" and also "magic mushrooms" are demonized today as dangerous drugs, often without sound knowledge about their effectiveness.
Microdosing of mushrooms seems to be the optimal solution, because the risks can be reduced due to the low dosage. However, the positive wellbeing benefits remain and this is exactly what makes this topic so exciting for science!