Taking LSD can have hallucinogenic effects, the intensity of which depends on the dosage. Some people experience an LSD trip as stimulating and feel an increased perception of color. Others tend to feel nauseous, especially if too much has been taken.
In addition to the type of effect, the question often arises as to how long an LSD trip actually lasts. You should also ask yourself when the substance can no longer be detected in urine or blood. We will get to the bottom of these questions below.
LSD effect: duration depends on the dosage of the substance
Hallucinogens such as LSD have a direct effect on the brain, leading to changes in perception and a state that we refer to as a "trip". There is no general answer to the question of how long an LSD trip lasts, as the duration always depends on the dose.
The trip is what consumers feel after taking it. The recently increasingly popular microdosing which has become increasingly popular recently, works without typical trip symptoms; the duration, for example, cannot be measured at all. From this it can be concluded that a higher dose always results in a stronger effect. A lot of LSD = a long trip. Less LSD = a mild or barely perceptible trip.
It is interesting to note that even small doses can lead to a very intense effect. The human body is sensitive to LSD very sensitive. Unlike cannabis, for example, just a few micrograms are enough to produce a significant high. It is therefore not only interesting how long the LSD trip lasts, but also how small the quantities are that are sufficient for a trip.
The active ingredient content in the body is reduced over hours or even days. It is assumed that around 1% of the total substance is excreted in the urine after ingestion. This process takes around 24 hours. The remaining amounts are metabolized in the liver and converted into inactivated metabolites.
Exciting insights into the brain - why the duration of the LSD high is often longer than expected
Hallucinogens such as LSD have a direct effect on the brain, leading to changes in perception and a state that we refer to as a "trip". There is no general answer to the question of how long an LSD trip lasts, as the duration always depends on the dose.
The trip is what consumers feel after taking it. The recently increasingly popular microdosing works without typical trip symptoms; the duration, for example, cannot be measured at all. From this it can be concluded that a higher dose always results in a stronger effect. A lot of LSD = a long trip. Less LSD = a mild or barely perceptible trip.
It is interesting to note that even small doses can lead to a very intense effect. The human body is sensitive to LSD very sensitive. Unlike cannabis, for example, just a few micrograms are enough to produce a significant high. It is therefore not only interesting how long the LSD trip lasts, but also how small the quantities are that are sufficient for a trip.
The active ingredient content in the body is reduced over hours or even days. It is assumed that around 1% of the total substance is excreted in the urine after ingestion. This process takes around 24 hours. The remaining amounts are metabolized in the liver and converted into inactivated metabolites.

How does an LSD trip work and what role does the LSD peak duration play?
Hallucinogens such as LSD always work in phases. After ingestion, the active ingredient level builds up slowly, reaches its peak and is then broken down again. So when we ask ourselves how long an LSD trip lasts, we have to distinguish between different phases. After ingestion, changes in perception will occur very quickly, which manifest themselves as the LSD effect increases.
Within the first 30 to 60 minutes, perception becomes increasingly blurred, voices, sounds, smells and colors are perceived more strongly. Normal conversations are still possible, only the environment seems altered. The peak of an LSD trip is reached after two hours on average, with the most intense effect lasting up to four hours. However, how long the LSD trip lasts in this phase also varies from person to person.
The mood changes unpredictably, memories and psychologically relevant experiences can occur. Synesthesia often occurs during this phase, with consumers suddenly not only seeing but also hearing colors.
Physically, there are clear reactions that can be attributed to LSD consumption. And how long does an LSD trip last physically? The times are similar to the mental effects, although a general state of tiredness and physical weakness can occur the next day. The most common physical symptoms include:
- Increase in blood pressure
- Increased pulse rate
- Subfebrile body temperatures
- Increase in blood sugar levels
- Dizziness and lightheadedness, circulatory problems
- Trembling
LSD flashback duration: when the effect is felt again
Not every LSD user feels flashbacks, but some have to struggle with their trip for a longer period of time. We now know the answer to the question of how long an LSD trip lasts - but when does the flashback disappear again? If the trip situation is "relived", it almost always happens during relaxing moments. Those affected lie in bed, want to sleep and experience a brief flashback. On average, they last a few minutes, sometimes just a few seconds.
The frequency of the flashbacks cannot be determined and, like the question of the duration of an LSD trip, cannot be answered in general terms. For some, it is only a few seconds per day, while others have 30 flashbacks or more within a very short time. In most cases, the phenomena subside after a week at the latest and there are no more perceptual disturbances.
Important: There is a very rare phenomenon (HPPD = Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder) that has already been reported in studies. In this case, LSD users suffer from continuous flashbacks for several months, which are perceived as unpleasant.
LSD tolerance - duration until the usual amount is no longer sufficient
The human brain is capable of developing a kind of tolerance to LS D. How long an LSD trip lasts and how intense it is also depends on the frequency. For research purposes, it is advisable to take a break between trips to avoid habituation of the body. The rule of thumb in the scene is that a break of one to four weeks is necessary after an intensive trip.
The reason for this is that the brain has become accustomed to the substance and a quick second high has less of an effect. However, as this tolerance gradually builds up again, another intensive trip is entirely possible. How long the LSD trip lasts therefore also depends on how used to the substance it is, although it has not been 100% researched whether the length is reduced or simply the perceived intensity decreases.
LSD microdosing & duration - how long does the effect last?
Anyone experimenting with LSD derivatives has many questions beforehand. How long does a possible LSD trip last? What happens during it? Who panics and who doesn't? Every person reacts differently to LSD, so experience reports cannot be transferred to other people.
We know that the duration of the LSD effect also depends on the dose. But what about the duration of effect when microdosing? Does the brain break down the substance more quickly? The question cannot yet be answered, but it is assumed to take around five hours.
As microdosers do not want to achieve a trip, it is difficult to give a time frame. However, clear feedback from the scene is that microdosing lasts longer than a cup of coffee and the experience is also much more intense. It is also conceivable that the duration of the effect differs between the common microdosing substances.
While LSD has already been extensively researched, the situation is different with its derivatives. However, you will no longer be able to determine the duration of effect of 1V-LSD and the duration of 1P-LSD yourself, as these substances are now banned. Instead, you can research the duration of effect of 1D-LSD yourself, because this derivative is legal in Germany and can be used for experimentation. At MODERNmind you can buy 1D-LSDlegally and carry out your research into the length of the LSD trip.
Conclusion: How long an LSD trip lasts cannot be generalized
It turns out that there is no clear answer to the question of how long an LSD trip lasts. However, researchers are convinced that it sometimes lasts longer than expected, even though the substance is barely detectable or no longer detectable at all.
As a rough guide, 8 to 12 hours can be assumed. A few years ago, significantly less was assumed. By correlating the duration of effect with the dosage level, it is possible for consumers to better estimate the length of their trip in advance.