What exactly is behind positive beliefs? Why does a list of positive beliefs make sense? And why should you even learn them by heart for a successful everyday life? We'll tell you that and much more right here and now.
When was the last time you told yourself that you believe in yourself? Success beliefs are only a tiny part of the big picture, because you can use positive affirmations everywhere in your life. Many people have rather negative perceptions about themselves, feel fears, have fears of failure.
If you have ever heard of the "self-fulfilling prophecy", such a thought structure is even dangerous. You fear not mastering a challenge, and then you actually fail. Positive affirmations can help you to give yourself courage and to really achieve your goals.
What are beliefs, and who should use them?
Simply put, positive beliefs are inner convictions about yourself, other people, or the world in general. You yourself have the choice to decide how you perceive yourself and your environment. Negative affirmations put a damper on your mind, cause pessimism to grow, and can actually lead to failure. If, on the other hand, you use positive affirmations and really anchor them in your subconscious, it can give your life a whole new turn!
When asked who should use them, there is only one answer: everyone! There are positive beliefs for children, teenagers, adults, seniors and anyone who wants to feel more confidence, courage and energy in their life.
Good vs. bad beliefs - where do the deep-rooted affirmations come from?
When you are born, you do not yet have a single positive affirmation rooted in your mind. But you don't think negatively yet either, and yet you develop beliefs throughout your life. This already begins in your childhood and is significantly shaped by your parents. If you experience appreciation, motivation and positive feedback at home, this feeling later turns into positive self-affirmation. The environment also plays an important role. Victims of bullying, for example, not infrequently have body-related negative affirmations. It’s difficult to develop self-love for such individuals, and this affects the entire progression of life.
For almost every area of life, such affirmations have meaning. Imagine that your teachers, your parents or your classmates are always firmly convinced that you do not perform well in school. At some point, this thought will manifest itself as a belief set in you as well, and you will not trust yourself to succeed. This applies not only to school, but also to your working life later on.
Some people believe that positive beliefs can "conjure up" money, but the core is actually quite different. It's not about generating a lottery win with the right affirmation. It's about helping you become more confident and professionally dynamic so that you can earn your own money and decide how much.
Transform negative beliefs into positive ones - you decide about your thoughts
Before we look at transforming negative thought patterns into positive affirmations, we must first differentiate. Here are some examples of beliefs associated with a negative keynote:
- "I fail at everything I do."
- "I don't have enough money, others have more."
- "No one’s capable of loving me."
- "Everyone else thinks negatively about me."
- "I won't get old anyway, I'll die early."
How would you react if someone close to you had such thoughts about themselves? And how often have you thought about yourself in this way?
Below you will of course also find some examples of positive beliefs, but we will first deal with the transformation. The most important approach is to recognize your negative beliefs and accept their existence.
Now you have the chance to transform them into positive affirmations and change your life in the long run. The following five steps will help you dissolve your old, destructive affirmations and create your list of positive beliefs instead.

Step 1: Acknowledge your thoughts
Many affirmations have been with us for years or decades, and we use them subconsciously. With the help of mindfulness, you can identify negative beliefs and write them down on a list. Observe yourself in everyday situations. What do you think about when you have to give a presentation at work? A positive affirmation might be, "Oh, I'm excited, I'm sure I'll find an exciting topic for the staff." A negative belief, on the other hand, would be, "Oh no, that's going to go wrong again anyway, I just can't do something like that."
All beliefs that you classify as negative belong on a big list. You will gradually replace them and only use your list of positive beliefs later.
Step 2: Deal with your thoughts
A list of positive affirmations is motivating to read and puts you in a good mood. It looks completely different when you suddenly see your destructive thoughts in words in front of you. These are your thoughts that you carry with you and that significantly shape your life. To dissolve them, you have to deal with them. Read them out loud to yourself and realize how absurd some of them are. Would you ever talk like this to your partner, family or friends? If not, why do you feel that way about yourself?
Step 3: Prove the opposite
"I'm a loser", "I can't do anything", "I'm not fit enough" - the list of negative beliefs can go on forever. But do the negative affirmations really apply to you? Look for specific examples where the opposite has occurred. When was the last time you were praised? What successes have you had in your life? And are you really as unfit as you claim? Everything that speaks against your beliefs is important. This is how you convince yourself and your subconscious that your negative affirmations are only in your head.
Step 4: Face the consequences
While positive affirmations can keep us moving forward, negative beliefs keep us from doing a lot of things. Now it's time for reckoning. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and deal with the consequences of your thoughts. How many times have you avoided a situation because you didn't believe in yourself? Have you ever ran away from a date because you didn't think you’re worthy of love anyway? Did you not send your application for a job because you "can't do anything anyway"? Write down such situations and visualize where this destructive thinking pattern has led you so far.
Step 5: Create positive affirmations for yourself
You know your negative beliefs and have now reached the point where it is time for a change. By making it clear to your brain that the negative thoughts are not true, you make room for something new. We also explain below how to develop your own mantras and internalize them in your subconscious. First, however, it is important to transform your existing negative affirmations. Instead of thinking, "I don't want to give a talk, I can't do anything anyway," feed your thoughts with, "I'm a little excited, but I know a lot, and I'll wow the audience."
Formulate positive beliefs - create your own mantras
It’s not enough to think differently for a short time and then fall back into your old patterns. It is crucial that you anchor the positive beliefs as mantras in your thoughts in the long term. To do this, make a list of positive beliefs and recite them over and over again.
Perpetuating positive beliefs with a list has another advantage: the more often your brain hears the words, the more it stores them. There are some positive affirmations that fit everyone somehow. But the effect is stronger if you develop your own personal beliefs that are tailored to you and your life.
Positive beliefs for more self-worth - empower yourself through personal words
Lack of self-confidence very often rests on negative affirmations that we have absorbed throughout our lives. Answer the following question for yourself: How can another person recognize your value if you can't do it yourself? Positive affirmations can help you as a daily companion to perceive and accept yourself. You don't have to be perfect. It doesn't matter what you look like or what figure you have. Your self-worth is determined by other factors.
Here are some examples of positive affirmations that can increase your self-worth and should therefore make it to your list of positive beliefs:
- My thoughts are valuable and deserve recognition.
- My ideas are important and have meaning.
- I am allowed to make mistakes, they do not affect my value.
- I am unique and valuable the way I am.
- I am good and lovable with all my personality.
Positive beliefs about health - is it a matter of attitude sometimes?
Negative affirmations, however, affect not only the self-image, but often also the area of health. We always fear the worst for ourselves and do not believe that the body can cope with the challenges of life. "I'm not going to get old", "I'm bound to have a heart attack", "I'm sure to have an accident soon".
Of course, things happen in life that we don't see coming. But constant negative self-preoccupation with health causes us to spend precious lifetime on fears, worries and hardships. So here are some positive beliefs for your list that revolve around health:
- My body is strong and can handle challenges.
- I can make healthier lifestyle choices every day.
- I accomplish what I set out to do (quit smoking, lose weight, etc.).
- My mental health is just as important as my physical condition.
- My body communicates its needs to me, and I am allowed to perceive them.
Positive beliefs about love - because it is more than a chemical process
Destructive or even toxic relationships are often based on negative beliefs. A partnership consists of the needs of two people who want to share their lives with each other. If one of the two’s thinking primarily negatively ("He/she will cheat on me anyway", "I am not worthy of his/her love", "I am so ugly, what does he/she see in me?"), this often has an impact on the whole partnership. Old wisdom says that only those people who can love themselves appear lovable to others. Of course, here again we have a selection of positive affirmations that can help you in life:
- By loving and appreciating myself, I allow others to do the same.
- I give love gladly and receive it just as gladly.
- I am worthy of being respected, loved and appreciated with my needs.
- I am open to love and happiness.
- Love is able to overcome difficulties.
The all-purpose list: 10 positive beliefs you can use in any life situation
You can continue the above examples in the list of positive beliefs almost endlessly. Most of them are thematically very specific, but there are also universal affirmations that you should anchor in your thoughts. Always remember that we can only give you examples here.
By recognizing negative thought patterns and transforming them, you create your very own and personal mantras. Positive beliefs can then reduce anxiety, give you new courage and support you throughout life. Here's some more input for your list of positive beliefs that fit all situations in life:
- Whenever something ends, space is created for a new beginning.
- I am open to new things and face challenges with curiosity and joy.
- There are endless possibilities around me that I can use for myself.
- Every situation offers the opportunity to learn something valuable for the future.
- I deserve happiness, love and recognition.
- My inner compass supports me to always find the right way.
- Changes are part of life and do not scare me.
- I possess enough strength to shape my own reality.
- I can overcome challenges and grow from them.
- My self-worth is independent of external opinions and assessments.

Conclusion: Start into your new life - with positive beliefs and thought structures
You don't want to avoid challenges anymore, but look them in the face? Your negative thinking pattern has limited you too often, and you want to put an end to it? Create your personal positive beliefs and start living by them.
The best part is that all you need is a piece of paper and a pen to write down positive beliefs on a list. You can start today and give your life a whole new structure in the long run. Every day is precious, so what are you waiting for?